- Bounty translates into enough to do what one has agreed to do. 赠礼转译过来,就是有足够来做你所同意来做的一切。
- One knows best what one has gone through with. 甘苦自知。
- Desiring no more than what one has; satisfied. 满意的不再有所求的; 满意的
- It is better to be content with what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy. 一鸟在手,胜於二鸟在林(最好满足於现有的,以免因贪心而失去一切)。
- Render an account of oneself, one's behaviour, etc explain or justify what one has said, done, etc. 为自己的言行等作解释或辩护。
- Since the moneylender couldn’t admit what he had done, the girl effectively turned what looked like an impossible situation into an advantage. 这样一来,老财主不但没有办法承认自己做过的坏事,姑娘还成功的扭转了劣势。
- The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like what one has to do. 生活的秘密不在于做自己喜欢做的,而在于喜欢自己不得不做的。
- To learn and att due times to repeat what one has learn. 学而时习之。
- All the boys except one have done well with their homework. 除一个孩子外,其他孩子的作业都完成得很好。
- Happiness consists in being contented with what one has. 这计划的好处就在于它的简单易行.
- For the Mighty One has done great things for me--holy is his name. 那有权能的为我成就了大事。他的名为圣。
- If the tax-gatherer, or any other public officer, asks me, as one has done, “but what shall I do? 如果税务官或其它政府官员问我,正如有位官员问我的那样,"那么,我怎么办呢?
- To learn is no easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder. 学习不是容易的事情,使用更加不容易。
- To keep silently in mind what one has seen and heard, to study hard and never feel contented, to teach others tirelessly---have I done all of these things? 默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉
- Admit what you say, I still think you are wrong. 既使接纳了你说的,我仍然认为你是错误的。
- When one has done something wrong one should not blame it on others. 自己做错了事,不应该怪人。
- Is it a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt? 学习短句学而时习之,不亦说乎?
- On emerging from a barricade, one no longer knows what one has seen there. 一走出街垒,人们就不知道刚才在那里究竟见到过什么。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- Keep your hair on. No one has done anything wrong,so there's nothing to get agitated about. 冷静点,没有人做错事,所以没有什么可焦虑的。